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5 Signs That Show It Is Time You Should Replace Your Bathroom Exhaust Fan

5 Signs That Show It Is Time You Should Replace Your Bathroom Exhaust Fan - LEDMyPlace
5 Signs That Show It Is Time You Should Replace Your Bathroom Exhaust Fan - LEDMyPlace
5 Signs That Show It Is Time You Should Replace Your Bathroom Exhaust Fan - LEDMyPlace
5 Signs That Show It Is Time You Should Replace Your Bathroom Exhaust Fan - LEDMyPlace


Bathroom exhaust fans are one of the most important fixtures required in bathrooms. They are needed to improve the air quality of the bathroom and eliminate humidity. In addition, to make sure that the bathing area has a manageable atmospheric temperature, exhaust fans cross-ventilate the air and create a tolerable atmosphere.

So, if a fixture is helping you get breathable air quality and atmosphere, you must pay attention to its maintenance. Checking for dirt and dust and cleaning it often is a must. Doing so will allow the fan to process properly. However, sometimes cleaning is not enough. There are times when the exhaust fan can hold on to work properly even if you clean it relentlessly. Therefore, it is time that you think about replacing your Bathroom Exhaust Fans. Furthermore, here are 5 signs that will help you find out if it is time to replace your bathroom exhaust fans.

1. The noise is louder than usual

Noise is naturally a part of the processing of exhaust fans. But if you notice that your exhaust fan is creating noise that is louder than usual, then you must think about changing it. Sometimes calling a professional to check for maintenance can help. But if the fan continues to bother you with a loud and irritating noise, then it is high time that you should replace it.

2. The fan is working slowly

Speed is a factor that can help you detect if your fan is working properly or not. The faster the blades will move, the better they will perform. But the speed naturally compromises as time passes and the motor gets old. In that scenario, you can call an electrician to check the loose wires and repair them. But if the problem tends to be the same, then you should observe the sign and look for a new exhaust fan.

3. The pungent odor does not fade away 

Eliminating odor is the main purpose of bathroom exhaust fans. The cross ventilation exerts bad odor from the bathroom and makes the inside air bearable and breathable. However, if you feel that the pungent smell is still coming from the bathroom, even if the fan has been working for quite some time, it could be a sign that your fan is no longer working effectively, and you should look for a replacement.

4. If it smells like a wire burning inside the fan

This is the most common sign to identify if you need to replace the fan or not. The older the bathroom exhaust fans get, the more chances of fixture failure there are. The exhaust fan gets vulnerable over time. So, it is a must that you opt for maintenance every now or then. If you feel like something is burning inside the fan, you must not avoid it. Instead, replacing the fan will be an intelligent decision.

5. There is too much humidity in the bathroom

Observing the air quality inside the bathroom can help you identify whether you need to replace the bathroom exhaust fans or not. For example, suppose you feel there’s too much humidity in your bathroom, or you can feel the smell of reeking paint, something is rottenl, growth of mold, and suffocation. In that case, you must understand that your exhaust fan is no longer eligible for processing effectively. You need to replace the bathroom exhaust fans immediately. Ignoring this can trouble you while breathing and can affect your lungs as well. Thus, it is a sign that you must replace your bathroom exhaust fans.

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