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LED Parking Lot Lights - Installation, Adjustment & Wattage Analysis

LED Parking Lot Lights - Installation, Adjustment & Wattage Analysis - LEDMyPlace
LED Parking Lot Lights - Installation, Adjustment & Wattage Analysis - LEDMyPlace
LED Parking Lot Lights - Installation, Adjustment & Wattage Analysis - LEDMyPlace
LED Parking Lot Lights - Installation, Adjustment & Wattage Analysis - LEDMyPlace

Parking lot lights have become a necessity in parking premises. Whether the area is small or expansive, the requirement of LED parking lot lights is a must. It provides better visibility to the approaching and passing vehicles. Considering it the must-have in parking lots, LED parking lot lights can benefit in several ways such as illumination, avoiding accidents, better visibility, cost-efficiency, etcetera.

The fixtures that are used to illuminate parking lot premises can vary according to the area’s dimension and requirement. Pole lights and wall-mounted lights are the prominent parking lot light types. Moreover, LED flood lights, LED wall packs lights, post top lights, etcetera are some of the light fixtures that can be installed to illuminate your parking space.

Installation of LED parking lot lights

What to focus on prior to installing LED parking lot lights?

Types of fixtures - Selecting the parking lot light fixtures plays a vital role as the type of your parking lot and fixtures you will choose are inter-related. For instance, if your parking lot premise is a wide area, you can surely opt to place LED pole lights after a certain distance.

Lighting requirement - the lights you choose for your parking premises should neither be too dim nor too dominating. In either situation, the performance of light might end up in car accidents.

Budget - The primary point that strikes our mind is the investment that the premise will require in installing light fixtures. But, if you will opt for the right kind of LED parking lot lights, then the budget will not be the focal point as these lighting fixtures will going to last for a long time.

Adjustment of LED pole light

How to choose an angle while adjusting LED parking lot lights?

Place your parking lot light fixture according to the desired angle illumination as the wider angle dispersion capacity your light contains, the further the illumination will disperse. You can consider estimating the dimensions of the parking premises to the wattages of your lighting fixture before opting for one.

What are the mounting options to fix the parking lot light? 

There are two types of mounting available to install and adjust your parking lot light, i.e., knuckle mounting and bracket mounting. A knuckle mounting option is suitable for LED pole lights which offer firm grip to the fixture, whereas the bracket mounting option is suitable for fixing these LED parking lot lights to the walls and floors.

Wattage and height analysis for LED parking lot lights

Wattage and height analysis for LED parking lot lights

How much wattage in a parking lot light you opt for can depend on the height where you install your fixture. For instance, a 150 Watt LED Pole light can work aptly from 15-20 FT height. 













Thus, you can go to LEDMyplace to get a quote regarding your LED parking lot lights, and we will guide you in opting for the right kind of lighting fixtures for providing you a better lighting space.

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