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LED Pole Lights - A Mind Changing Guide

LED Pole Lights - A Mind Changing Guide - LEDMyPlace
LED Pole Lights - A Mind Changing Guide - LEDMyPlace
LED Pole Lights - A Mind Changing Guide - LEDMyPlace
LED Pole Lights - A Mind Changing Guide - LEDMyPlace

LED street lights are the ones that need our attention. They are lighting all facets of our lives. They offer a lot of advantages, and they are leaps and bounds ahead of all the contemporary lighting fixtures. 

The concept of street lighting is just as old as time itself. The first documentation of street lights is found in the city of Antioch, and then in the caliphate of Cordoba in the 10th century. Later in the 1790s, William Murdock introduced the gas-ran street lights. Willam Murdock gave this concept a push, which snowballed through the centuries. 

Old High-pressure sodium (HPS) lamps do not have a single advantage over LEDs. LED street lights have replaced the old street luminaires in the US. The state governments are replacing the old lighting with the help from power companies. Here are some points for comparison and your rough understanding-  

  • CRI-

    Color Rendering Index(CRI) of old lightings is between 20-30, but the LEDs have a CRI in the range of 70-92. High CRI means that colors that LED render are close to the sunlight. This reason alone is enough to switch to LEDs, but there are other considerations as well.

    LED pole lights are a better option because halides are monochromatic lights. Monochromatic lights cause distortion, which troubles the human eye.

        • Maintenance- LED pole light s are expensive to install, but they outlast the old ones by quite a large margin. They not only recover the cost in 4 years but also save a surplus amount of money. The old luminaire rarely has a lifespan between 2000-3000 hours, and after that, it begins to depreciate in terms of lumens. 

          LEDs do not require any maintenance even after 20,000 hours of operation. In maintenance, it saves as much as ¼th of its cost per year. 

          • Environmental Concerns- Many ecological concerns are often related to conventional. Many governments in the states have declared the old luminaries as hazardous materials. None of the old accessories like Halides and HPS lights are RoHS certified. Upon disposal, old luminaires give out harmful elements such as lead and mercury.
          • IP rating-
            1. LED pole lights come with IP 65 ratings, which ensures that LEDs are waterproof and robust. LEd pole lights have sturdy metal glass frames, which makes them tolerate a lot of day to day extremities.  IP rating indicates that no matter how fierce the rain is, LED pole lights will endure all of it. 

            Some applications of LED street lights that set them apart-

            For Security

            LED pole lights are intensely used for security purposes, Thanks to some great additions like motion sensors, LED pole lights act as great security agents. This version of LED pole lights, when used for security purposes, is called LED security lights. 

            This combination is useful at places like institute premises, where intruders and trespassers are not tolerated. This adds to the security convenience. No matter what time is it, the motion sensors always sense some unwanted intrusions and automatically warn you about the intervention.

            Thanks to the high CRI of LED pole lights, the lights are correct to the limit that one can differentiate between two shades of the same color. Now you can imagine how difficult it is concealing oneself in the dark shadows in the area lit by LED pole lights,

            For Gridless Areas

            For areas devoid of grid, LED street lights are accompanied with dusk to dawn sensors and photocells. Thanks to the low power input requirements of LEDs, they can be easily powered by the solar-powered batteries.  They are solar LED street lights. 

            When installed in remote areas, it is essential to make sure that power lights turn on when needed. For this, LED pole lights are combined with dusk to dawn sensors which switch on and off according to the sunlight intensity. They switch off during the days and switch on when night. 

            LED pole lights with dusk to dawn sensors 

            Outdoor Lighting

            Outdoor lighting is another area of application of LED pole lights. You can consider outdoor lighting requirements similar to security lighting. If you have a backyard worth showing off, then you can find LED pole lights for lighting and other purposes like accent lighting.

            They can be used for security purposes, just as they are used inside some premises for security. They can be used for lighting pathways of your green backyard when installed alongside the paths. 

            Another version of LED lights can also be considered if your purpose is only lighting your backyard or front of your houses. HID pole lights emit light only in one direction, so they produce some unwanted shadows. LED pole lights emit light that emanates in all directions when incorporated with a reflector. 

            LED parking lot light is another application that is noteworthy here,  which are used in parking lots. They come in different mounting types depending upon the use case.


            You might be tired of hearing the same conclusions over and over again. If you are still living in the blissful delusion that incandescent lights and halides are always the smart choices, then you need to read to these conclusions again. You need to read them enough until you realize that LED pole lights are better than incandescent lights. 

            LEDs are way better than any lighting. LED pole lights come in all shapes and customizations to help you with different purposes. If You want lighting and security; you can combine LED pole lights with motion-sensing technology. 

            You want to light at places without grids; you can go for lights with Solar cells that store power during the sunlight and power the pole light at night. Combined with dusk to dawn sensors, they switch off the light during the days and switch them on when night. 

            Now you need to ask yourself a question. 

            Given all the benefits of LED lights, what is the reason that you would like to stick to the old incandescent lights and halides. 

            For more information, educate yourself as much as possible. 

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