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What Types Of Bases Do LED Corn Bulbs Have?

What Types Of Bases Do LED Corn Bulbs Have? - LEDMyPlace
What Types Of Bases Do LED Corn Bulbs Have? - LEDMyPlace
What Types Of Bases Do LED Corn Bulbs Have? - LEDMyPlace
What Types Of Bases Do LED Corn Bulbs Have? - LEDMyPlace

Thanks to the LED lighting technology that made it possible to explore a new style of outdoor lighting fixtures that can lighten the place in a better and more powerful way. Among various types of LED lighting products, one of the smallest yet more powerful outdoor bulbs are LED corn bulbs that resemble like corn and therefore being named as LED corn bulb. These bulbs have individual LED bulbs inside them that light together to illuminate the entire wider and bigger places.

These LED corn bulbs are available in various different styles and are better than the HID lamps and MH bulbs, you can use them to illuminate parking lots, lawns, a garden among many outer outdoor commercial and residential places. LEDMYplace corn bulbs will reduce your monthly electricity bills by more than 75% if they are being replaced with the existing bulbs. 

LED Corn Bulbs come with different base types

There are two different base types that are available in these LED corn bulbs including E26 and E39. 

E26 Base Bulbs

The LED corn bulbs with E26 base are also known as Medium Edison Screw or one-inch Edison Screw, it is the standard base size of almost all bulbs that are available in the market. Here E stands for Edison and 26 is the size of the diameter of the base in mm, these E26 base bulbs are the standard base for the 120-volt bulb and you can easily use them at your homes. 

E39 Base Bulbs

These bulbs are normally referred as Mogul Edison Screw or Goliath Edison Screw and E here also means Edison while 39 is the diameter of the base. These bulbs are mostly used at the commercial and industrial places such as factories, barns, and warehouses as they are stronger and have more watts consumption such as 60W, 100W and 125W power variants.

These bulbs are special because of their wide usage at the industrial or farm applications and have proved to be better than the traditional-styled bulbs.

led corn bulbs

Some of the benefits of LED corn bulbs

Energy-efficient - The LED corn bulbs are energy-efficient outdoor lighting option that can lighten outdoor places in a more impactful way, by replacing them with the existing bulbs you can enjoy better savings and reduce electricity consumption as well. You can replace 400w traditional bulbs with LEDMYPlace’ 100w LED corn bulbs. 

No flicker – In addition to easy installing process, these can make the ambiance more enhanced and peaceful by not emitting any kind of buzzing noise that otherwise can make the environment nosier and disturbed as well. Moreover, there will be no flickering in case you use them for continuous longer period of time as well. 

Long lifespan- The LED corn bulbs are strong enough to lighten your place for more number of years without troubling you with any kind of replacement and operational charges as well. These bulbs are capable to illuminate the place for at least 50,000 hours which is much more than the traditional lighting fixtures.

Why I should consider Lumens?

When you are looking for the right bulb, you should consider lumens instead of watts as they are the correct indicators of the level of brightness you can enjoy post installing them at the indoor places.   So whenever you are shopping for LED corn bulbs, you should pay attention to lumens.

How should I find the Right Fitting?

Since the LED Corn bulbs are available in plenty of fittings as they are larger in size so you must mention the fitting reference number so that we can come up with better suggestions. 

We believe, now you have developed a flair understanding about the LED corn bulbs and their type of bases as well, if you also want to buy these outdoor LED products then you can contact us to get the best quality products for lighting the outdoor places.
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